Today, with the Cloud-based Call, Data & Reporting (CDR) Application that they created, combined with an exceptional team of call agents, Loyal Driver offers your dealership the option to either use the CDR App to make your own calls or let Loyal Driver make them for you.

30+ years later, after leaving the business and forming Effective Callers, a call center providing Service Appointment calls for some of the largest dealerships in the country, the idea to create his own LIVE Phone-call Customer Retention Program was conceived.

Loyal Driver began with its founder following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps by joining the retail automobile business in 1981.  Progressing to GM and Director of Sales of all twelve dealerships, eventually led to the creation of a ten member BDC, making Survey, Be-back and Service Appointment calls for the entire group.

Then, with the chance meeting and now partnership with one of the most experienced data & technology people in the industry,  Loyal Driver was born.